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About SMK

Quality labels and certificates

Why certify?

Why certify?

The environmental impact of our lifestyles asks a lot of the earth. That is why sustainability is an important issue for more and more consumers and organizations. A quality label helps both the consumer and the producer. The consumer can make a more sustainable choice through a quality label. There are also advantages to certification.  The most important advantages for producers are:

Together for sustainability

SMK helps companies to make their production and operations more sustainable by means of quality labels and certificates. Their requirements are ambitious and strict and are established in an independent, reliable and transparent manner.

Increasing demand 

Society at large is increasingly demanding more sustainable products and services. Think of Socially Responsible Procurement (SRP), the requirements that supermarkets place on more sustainable food, or the supply of green electricity. Suppliers must demonstrate this ‘sustainability’, for example with a certificate or quality label.

Sustainable frontrunners 

Many companies are working on sustainability. Because they themselves find it important, because the environment exerts pressure, or because buyers demand it. With a quality label, you show that your company is also taking steps towards more sustainable production and operations. And perhaps you become the leader in your sector. 


A quality label can help position your company in a positive way. Think for example of a more sustainable image among your municipality, local residents and consumers.


The requirements of SMK’s various labels and programs encourage the efficient use of resources, such as raw materials, water, energy and crop protection products. For example, there are various requirements that deal with saving energy or storing water by means of rainwater collection and water reuse. These savings provide benefits, also financially.

Interest discount

Rabobank offers an interest discount for its impact loans. Certificate holders of On the Way to PlanetProof, Milieukeur, EU Ecolabel, Barometer Sustainable Florist, Barometer Duurzaam Terreinbeheer and Milieuthermometer Zorg are eligible for these loans. These are business loans from €250,000 and up, with an interest rate reduction up to 0.65%. More than 100 certificate holders have already made use of this benefit.

Guidance on Socially Responsible Procurement

Organizations that want to include environmental and sustainability aspects in their procurement processes can use requirements for certification as a guide to Socially Responsible Procurement (SRI). This makes it easier for buyers to take sustainability into account during the procurement process.


I would like advice on certification

Sometimes it is nice to get personal advice. Because which quality label or program suits your business?

We are happy to help.


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